The Impact of Fast Fashion on the Environment

The Impact of Fast Fashion on the Environment

The fast fashion industry has been growing rapidly over the past few decades, driven by low prices and a constant stream of new trends. However, it is one of the biggest polluters in the world. According to the United Nations, it is responsible for 10% of the world's carbon emissions, more than the aviation and shipping industries combined. It also consumes huge amounts of water and generates large quantities of waste.

The production of cotton, for example, requires vast amounts of water and chemicals, which can contaminate local ecosystems and harm wildlife. The disposal of clothing, meanwhile, often involves incineration or landfill, which can release harmful gases and chemicals into the air and water.

The impact of fast fashion on the environment is not limited to production and disposal. The transportation of clothing also contributes to carbon emissions, as garments are shipped around the world to be sold in different markets. In addition, the use of synthetic materials in clothing can release microfibres into the ocean when washed, which can harm marine life and enter the human food chain. Overall, the fast fashion industry is a major contributor to climate change and environmental degradation, and it's important for us to take action to reduce its impact.

Some of our other blogs detail ways of taking action, so read on!

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